
Face or Faith you choose by the “Free Will”
Face is Temporal, Faith is Forever.
Face going and leading to Vanity, Faith goes and leads to Eternity.

Read the Holy Bible.

Test me O God and Fix my Heart

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along...
No God No Love Know God Know Love

No God No Love Know God Know Love

Know God who's Jesus Christ to Know Love. Learn the meaning of Love and Life through the source of it, The Creator of all that seen and...

Hidden Your Word In My Heart

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11. When we say we love God but we hate his creation we...

Don’t Focus on What People Say or Do or Think of You

Whether good or bad don't focus on people, focus on God Jesus Christ who created you so he loves you the most with no comparing to any...

God Fill us With Your Love

God Jesus Christ fill us with your love to have no space for anything not from you. The more we get filled with God's love the less we...
God is Limitless

God Is Limitless

God is limitless. God is beyond time، place and everything. God is beautiful God is merciful God is just God is great God is alive God is...

21 Days To Heaven

21 Days To Heaven by: Fasting, Praying, Believing then Receiving, Living, Heaven Inside, Eternal Life and Love. A+ |
Only God Matters

Only God Matters. we are “oprahh” “adam” dust

Only God Matters. we are "oprahh" "adam" dust. We need to humble ourselves listen and believe in what God Jesus Christ wants, to fulfill...

The One Sin Of Adam Like The One Accident On Motorway

The one sin of Adam like the one accident on motorway. It takes only a millisecond for any wrong to happen by any person or anything. No...

If we have God we have Everything.

If we have God we have Everything. If we don't have God (Jesus Christ) we have nothing, even if we own the whole physical world. A+ |...